Book online hotel, accommodation and apartment in Moschato (Attica), Greece

Do not waste time! Find and book online hotel, room, accommodation and apartment in Moschato (Attica), Greece and take advantage of great deals:

hotels and rooms in Moschato (Attica) Greece

ALMA hotel
ALMA hotel

[2 stars]

Rooms: 42

Basileos Konstantinou 10, Moschato 18344

Tel: +30 (210) 4814888 & Fax: +30 (210) 4814495

Hotels - Rooms, Studios, Apartments Moschato (Attica)

PLATON hotel
PLATON hotel

[2 stars]

Rooms: 39

Platonos 3, Mosxato 18344

Tel: +30 (210) 9403176 & Fax:+30 (210) 9403314

Hotels - Rooms, Studios, Apartments Moschato (Attica)

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